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Chemical Distributor Indonesia


We source and supply general and specialty chemicals for wide range

Speciality Chemicals Distribution Company

Proud of it's journey

PT Titian Abadi Lestari has experienced great growth over the years, but we’ve strived to maintain a family atmosphere where employees can thrive and succeed. Without a doubt, the people behind Titian Abadi are the cornerstone of our company’s success.

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Long term relationship with strong focus on technical and logistical support

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Chemical and Raw Material solutions for your business

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High availability and support for our customer and supplier

Bahan Kimia Cat

PT Titian Abadi Lestari was established in 1985 as a chemical trading company and is involved in the diversed engagements including trade, industry and services.

Career in Titian Abadi

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An inspiring career awaits you in Titian Abadi

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